It's a happy home, and the kids living there are both creative and giggly. With the last family group who came to serve with us for a week, we were able to celebrate little princess Alondra. Alondra turned 3 year old this month. For her birthday, we celebrated with chocolate cake, balloons, and games, and she opened a present from her sponsors—a Cinderella princess gown. Things that seem to be so simple, a birthday party, are in reality so much bigger than they first appear.
After the party I helped her put on her princess dress, and we paraded around the Children’s Home showing off her new present. She looked absolutely precious. Along the way, we stopped for someone to take her picture. She asked to see the picture, and I wish that I will always remember the expression on her face when she first saw that photo. In that moment, she believed that she was beautiful. She believed that she was special. She believed that she was lovely. And she believed that she was a princess.
That’s why Back2Back is working in Mexico. That’s why I’m in Cancun for a year. And that’s why we spend hours working out program details, grocery shopping, painting bedrooms, and taking kids to doctor’s appointments—so these kids can believe that they are beautiful, indescribably valuable children of God. I’m so glad and humbled to be a part of this work.

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