Working with Back2Back Ministries in Cancun, Mexico has been one of those places for me. Cancun has been a place where I have felt both entirely inadequate and fully capable, completely disoriented and utterly at home, wholly alone and in true communion with God and others. It has been a place where polarities somehow co-exist because it has been a place where I have known who I am and who God is and have not confused the two. A place where my shortcomings have been met by his fullness, my confusion by his peace, and my selfishness by his grace. A place where I have learned to listen and obey while God works out his predestined plan, rather than attempting to take control of my own plan.
And it is with a similar sense of obedience that I will be saying goodbye to full-time ministry with Back2Back and hello to a new place and a new purpose that God has for me when I graduate in December. Just as God prepared a place for me in Cancun and called me to his work here, I believe that God is preparing a place for me in December--I am not sure where that is or what I will be doing but am confident that I will not go alone and that whatever God has for me will be far better than anything I could orchestrate. Thank you for all of your prayers and support during this beautiful time in my life--it has meant the world to me to know that I have never been alone in this work.

So as this chapter ends, I celebrate what it has been and look toward the future with hope, having full confidence that relationships rooted in God's love are eternal and that the same good God who wrote a time of ministry in Mexico into my story is writing the next chapter.