Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blessed & Thankful

This past year has been filled with parties and celebrations. new opportunities and goodbyes. changes and constants. old friends and new ones.

It’s been a lot of a lot of things, and I’m so very thankful for all that it has been. I’m thankful for God’s presence through it all—for him holding my hand and giving me opportunities to grow and helping me when I’ve needed it. I’m thankful for the last year I was able to spend with good friends at Taylor. I’m thankful for all of the time and effort professors poured into me and the skills and knowledge they provided me with. I’m thankful for one professor in particular who knew me well enough to encourage me to look into an opportunity with Back2Back Ministries. I’m thankful for Back2Back staff who have supported me. And I’m thankful for all of you! For friends and family who have invested in me and asked me about how I’m doing and decided to partner with me as I begin serving orphans in Quintana Roo with Back2Back staff in January—for everyone who has prayed for me, talked with me, and helped me reach 96% funding for this adventure.

I hope that the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons lead you to reflect on your blessings and that these thoughts give you encouragement and joy. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!