When I first realized that I would be partnering with others to raise financial support to serve with Back2Back for a year I, quite frankly, felt a bit intimidated and lost. As I have pursued this process over these past few months, I have come to realize the importance of this partnership. It is incredibly encouraging to talk about what God is doing in the lives of orphans, families, and widows in Quintana Roo, to see the connection this ministry has with so many friends and family members in the United States, and to get to play a part in the team God is bringing together to continue serving these kids and families. Prayer partners, financial supporters, short-term mission trip goers, friends, and advocates are all needed to do this work. I am so thankful for all of you who have committed to be a part of this work and am excited for us to continue this journey together. Each of you is so incredibly important!
It is so encouraging to know that I will not be embarking on this ministry alone but will be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and supporters. I hope that I can play a part and be an encouragement in each of your lives, as well. Please keep me updated on how you are all doing and how I can be praying for you, especially starting in January when I head off to Quintana Roo.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support so far! I'm excited to tell you that our team has something very exciting to celebrate--as of late last week 50% of the funding needed for me to begin my work as a Back2Back staff member has been committed! Yay! Thank you, Jesus!

Being a strong believer in rejoicing, five of us headed to Ivanhoes, and my Dad and I split the 50th Sundae (the Wildcat Two) 50-50 to wholeheartedly celebrate this provision. :)
It's been great to share this journey with all of you so far, and I would love to share more with you if you're interested! Just give me a call (765.667.1365) or send me an email (snace@back2back.org). I hope that you are overwhelmingly delighted today like I was on the night of our Ivanhoes celebration. Thanks! Love you!