In less than one week, I will be in Mexico. It seems hard to believe that in a few short days I'll be living thousands of miles away from family and friends who I won't see face to face for months. As I try to wrap my mind around this idea, I'm also reminded of the ever-present question that's been running through my mind for the past few weeks: what does it mean to prepare for a year in Mexico?
Physically, I suppose it means getting immunizations, clothes, a visa, and other necessities. But what does it mean emotionally? socially? spiritually? Lately, I've felt a bit like a swinging pendulum--vascillating between intentionally journaling and talking with others about future expectations, fears, hopes, and prayers and focusing on being present where I'm at and who I'm with because I have no idea how to prepare for such a trip so maybe it's best to let what happens happen and to work through things as they come up. In reality, I think it would be best to find some sort of compromise between these to polarities but must admit that, try as I might, I'm not sure if I've been able to achieve this.
I'm so very excited to begin work with Back2Back. I can't help but smile at the thought of meeting the kids I'll be serving, getting to be a part of Back2Back's staff team, and meeting God in new ways through this adventure. I'm confident that I will be delighted often, grow immensely, and have an incredible experience. While newness and change always come with anxiety, it's comforting to know that I'm not alone. I'm surrounded by caring staff, praying and supportive friends and family in the States, and protected by God himself. I don't doubt that hard moments and days will come, but I know that these will not be in vain. They will be used for a beautiful purpose that I may not understand but can be confident exists.
So here we go! Off to an unknown journey that promises to be all sorts of an adventure! :)
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Blessed & Thankful
This past year has been filled with parties and
celebrations. new opportunities and goodbyes. changes and constants. old
friends and new ones.
It’s been a lot of a lot of things, and I’m so very thankful
for all that it has been. I’m thankful for God’s presence through it all—for
him holding my hand and giving me opportunities to grow and helping me when
I’ve needed it. I’m thankful for the last year I was able to spend with good
friends at Taylor. I’m thankful for all of the time and effort professors
poured into me and the skills and knowledge they provided me with. I’m thankful
for one professor in particular who knew me well enough to encourage me to look
into an opportunity with Back2Back Ministries. I’m thankful for Back2Back staff
who have supported me. And I’m thankful for all of you! For friends and family
who have invested in me and asked me about how I’m doing and decided to partner
with me as I begin serving orphans in Quintana Roo with Back2Back staff in
January—for everyone who has prayed for me, talked with me, and helped me reach
96% funding for this adventure.
I hope that the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons lead you
to reflect on your blessings and that these thoughts give you encouragement and
joy. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Dearest Partners :)
When I first realized that I would be partnering with others to raise financial support to serve with Back2Back for a year I, quite frankly, felt a bit intimidated and lost. As I have pursued this process over these past few months, I have come to realize the importance of this partnership. It is incredibly encouraging to talk about what God is doing in the lives of orphans, families, and widows in Quintana Roo, to see the connection this ministry has with so many friends and family members in the United States, and to get to play a part in the team God is bringing together to continue serving these kids and families. Prayer partners, financial supporters, short-term mission trip goers, friends, and advocates are all needed to do this work. I am so thankful for all of you who have committed to be a part of this work and am excited for us to continue this journey together. Each of you is so incredibly important!
It is so encouraging to know that I will not be embarking on this ministry alone but will be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and supporters. I hope that I can play a part and be an encouragement in each of your lives, as well. Please keep me updated on how you are all doing and how I can be praying for you, especially starting in January when I head off to Quintana Roo.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support so far! I'm excited to tell you that our team has something very exciting to celebrate--as of late last week 50% of the funding needed for me to begin my work as a Back2Back staff member has been committed! Yay! Thank you, Jesus!

Being a strong believer in rejoicing, five of us headed to Ivanhoes, and my Dad and I split the 50th Sundae (the Wildcat Two) 50-50 to wholeheartedly celebrate this provision. :)
It's been great to share this journey with all of you so far, and I would love to share more with you if you're interested! Just give me a call (765.667.1365) or send me an email ( I hope that you are overwhelmingly delighted today like I was on the night of our Ivanhoes celebration. Thanks! Love you!
It is so encouraging to know that I will not be embarking on this ministry alone but will be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses and supporters. I hope that I can play a part and be an encouragement in each of your lives, as well. Please keep me updated on how you are all doing and how I can be praying for you, especially starting in January when I head off to Quintana Roo.
Being a strong believer in rejoicing, five of us headed to Ivanhoes, and my Dad and I split the 50th Sundae (the Wildcat Two) 50-50 to wholeheartedly celebrate this provision. :)
It's been great to share this journey with all of you so far, and I would love to share more with you if you're interested! Just give me a call (765.667.1365) or send me an email ( I hope that you are overwhelmingly delighted today like I was on the night of our Ivanhoes celebration. Thanks! Love you!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
God is Great
Ever since I realized that I had a say in what I got to be
when I grew up, I’ve been afraid of greatness. Motivational speakers would come
and talk about being world changers who made an “exponential impact”. People around me would cheer and talk about the big things they wanted to do; meanwhile I was
completely terrified. I’ve always loved the idea of leading a quiet life and
changing the world in small ways by the way I live on a daily basis. While one
of my deepest desires is to have a purpose in life, I also feel overwhelmed by
the thought that everything I do matters intensely. I've often been intimidated by the
idea that I was created for greatness.
It wasn’t until this past weekend that I realized that I was
looking at greatness from such a skewed perspective. Greatness isn’t about me
or what I do, and it’s also not something I have to live up to. Greatness is
about God. It’s about deciding to live in constant surrender, choosing to
participate in the plan God’s created and recognizing that living life in
pursuit of his presence is greatness—not anything I can plan or do. Is that
scary and humbling? Yes, but it’s also beautiful, surprising, and
unpredictable. Right now, I’m participating in greatness by working at the key
control office at Taylor University. In three months, I will get to participate
in greatness by working with kids and families with Back2Back in Mexico. Both
are equally as worthy, equally as great, and have their own joys and trials.
I got to experience my first taste of God’s presence in Mexico
this past weekend when I had the opportunity to visit the Back2Back site in Quintana
Roo. I was able to meet many of the ministry partners I’ll be working with,
spend time with some of the children and families we serve, and spend time with
the site directors Erick and Julie Mowery. It was an incredible trip that
helped to affirm that this is where I have been called to serve for at least
the next little while.

Thanks so much for all of your support and prayers so far! I
pray that partnering with me in this ministry will help you to grow, learn, and
be encouraged, as well. Love you guys!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
33% Funded!!!
We're a third of the way there! God is so good, and I feel very blessed to have been a part of the encouraging process of partnering with you all! As of today, I am officially 33% funded :) Thank you all so very much for joining with me in this ministry! A good friend once told me there is no better way to celebrate than blowing bubbles so I decided to take her advice and celebrate the small things (ok... this is a pretty big deal so really, we're celebrating the big things!). Please continue to pray for me and for potential partners as I'm still about $16,000 away from being fully funded. And if you have any suggestions on how to celebrate 50% please do let me know :)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Coming to Cancun :)
Who am I? What am I good at? What do I love? Where do I fit in the world? Will anyone hire me? Where will I live?
These are just a few of the many questions that have been swimming through my mind for the past year. Goodbyes and new beginnings will do that to you--up until about 6 months ago, I had no idea what life would look like after graduating from Taylor University. Ironically, I did not feel anxious about it. To me, life after college was a world of opportuntities. I knew that God was sovereign and that he promised that I was, in some way, a part of his plan. I just didn't know how I fit into that plan yet.
I'm an ecclectic person and couldn't see how all of my passions and talents and loves and experiences could all fit together. I love people. I studied social work at Taylor University, love working with families, and children, and have volunteered at just about every children's ministry at my church. I can't help but smile at every chance I get to speak Spanish, spent time studying and volunteering abroad in Ecuador, and would probably retire in a quaint seaside town baking and making pottery if given the chance.
I didn't know how all of these things could best go together to serve God, and still don't; however, I began to get a shadow of an idea during class one day when my professor told us about an opportunity working with a non-profit in Mexico, providing care to orphans and possibly doing some policy work to help the country transition from a orphanage system to a foster care system. I got so excited while she was describing the opportunity that I began fidgeting in my chair. As I began to wonder if this could be a place where I could use my gifts and grow at the same time, my professor caused my heart to skip a beat by looking me directly in the eyes and saying "Sarah, I think you should look into working with Back2Back Ministries" in front of the entire class.
I was floored, and like all good college students, hurried home to do my research (aka looking Back2Back up on google and setting up a time to skype with the Taylor alumnus working with them). After many skype calls, applications, prayers, and conversations, I will be headed to Cancun, Mexico to work with Back2Back in January 2014. While things may change, it looks like I will spend a year working with Rossy, a Mexican woman who runs a community center for children and families. I will help plan and run groups at this community center and do some work with individual families to help link them with services and resources that they need.
I am beyond excited and feel utterly blessed. God is good, and I am excited to learn to trust and know him better as I walk with him on this incredible adventure. I'm excited for you to be a part of this ministry and story, as well! So it begins... :)
These are just a few of the many questions that have been swimming through my mind for the past year. Goodbyes and new beginnings will do that to you--up until about 6 months ago, I had no idea what life would look like after graduating from Taylor University. Ironically, I did not feel anxious about it. To me, life after college was a world of opportuntities. I knew that God was sovereign and that he promised that I was, in some way, a part of his plan. I just didn't know how I fit into that plan yet.
I'm an ecclectic person and couldn't see how all of my passions and talents and loves and experiences could all fit together. I love people. I studied social work at Taylor University, love working with families, and children, and have volunteered at just about every children's ministry at my church. I can't help but smile at every chance I get to speak Spanish, spent time studying and volunteering abroad in Ecuador, and would probably retire in a quaint seaside town baking and making pottery if given the chance.
I didn't know how all of these things could best go together to serve God, and still don't; however, I began to get a shadow of an idea during class one day when my professor told us about an opportunity working with a non-profit in Mexico, providing care to orphans and possibly doing some policy work to help the country transition from a orphanage system to a foster care system. I got so excited while she was describing the opportunity that I began fidgeting in my chair. As I began to wonder if this could be a place where I could use my gifts and grow at the same time, my professor caused my heart to skip a beat by looking me directly in the eyes and saying "Sarah, I think you should look into working with Back2Back Ministries" in front of the entire class.
I was floored, and like all good college students, hurried home to do my research (aka looking Back2Back up on google and setting up a time to skype with the Taylor alumnus working with them). After many skype calls, applications, prayers, and conversations, I will be headed to Cancun, Mexico to work with Back2Back in January 2014. While things may change, it looks like I will spend a year working with Rossy, a Mexican woman who runs a community center for children and families. I will help plan and run groups at this community center and do some work with individual families to help link them with services and resources that they need.
I am beyond excited and feel utterly blessed. God is good, and I am excited to learn to trust and know him better as I walk with him on this incredible adventure. I'm excited for you to be a part of this ministry and story, as well! So it begins... :)
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